Tonight San Jose Taiko performed at the Long Center for the Performing Arts in downtown Austin, Texas. It was a high energy display of some incredible rhythm and coordination. If you ever get a chance to see this group perform, jump at the offer. You will be as impressed as I was, I’m sure.

I’ve included some shots I took tonight. Sorry, but there are no shots of the performance itself as photography was prohibited during the show. But the troupe gathered out in the lobby afterwords and allowed the audience to meet and greet them.

Long Center for the Performing Arts Exterior Long Center Dell Hall Interior
Lone Taiko Drum San Jose Taiko Setting Up For 2nd Set
San Jose Taiko Peformers Taking a Bow Keith Goode with Wisa Uemura and Adam Weiner
Franco Imperial and Keith Goode San Jose Taiko Yurika Chiba

I also picked up a copy of their new 35th Anniversary Concert DVD. If you’re interested in seeing them perform, but can’t see them live, pick up a copy of your own.

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