Whether you personally celebrate Christmas or not, one thing you’re familiar with are Christmas episodes in your favorite animes and J-doramas. My personal favorite was the “Christmas Eve Festival” episode (#1) of “Toradora!” On the night of the school’s Christmas festival, Ryuji, being the caring person he is, rushes back to Taiga’s apartment after hearing she left to go wait for Santa Claus. Closer to the truth, she didn’t want to be a distraction for Ryuji because she knows he wants to confess his love to Minori after the party.

Ryuji as Santa with TaigaBut Ryuji knows that Taiga is all alone for Christmas. She doesn’t have a good relationship with her father, so she lives alone. So he dons a Christmas teddy bear suit and climbs into her apartment to fulfill her wish to see Santa. She is overcome with joy, hugging “Santa” and thanking him for coming.

Ultimately, this ruins his chances with Minori, but it illustrates what should be the nature of the season – the sacrifice of self in order to bring happiness to others.

What’s your favorite Christmas episode?

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